Last night we went to one of Mexico's greatest attractions: the Lucha Libre. It translates directly to 'free fighting'... but is more like a choreographed dance of guys jumping all over each other.
Some people love it, I fail to see why.
Basically it seems to be any man who wanted to be gay, but didn't have the guts to come out of the closet contents himself donning a mask with spending half the night with his head between another man's legs (a popular wrestling move??) in what looks like an interpretive dance of oral sex.
There are two teams, the 'tecnicos' (the good guys) and the 'rudos' (you guessed it...)
Now, one glance around Mexico City will automatically beg the question of how they found men big enough to pass as wrestlers. Judging by the size of these guys' packages, it's a pretty fair guess to say 'steroids'.
For example, in the first round all the bad guys seemed to have been chosen for the size of their bellies - all the better to jump on you with - and all the good guys, for the minimisation of damage to genital area. I mean, the smaller the target...
I don't want to harp on, but they're all dressed in lycra so I will. The guy in the white pants could have moonlighted as a drag queen and he wouldn't have had to go to the bother of tucking his package up between his legs, because he didn't have one. It was distressing. Yet, he didn't seem the slightest bit self-conscious about it. You'd think if you were lacking in that area, the last thing you'd do is don tights and go on national TV, thrusting your groin around.
The most impressive bit is the way they fly through the air. One will dive off the stage/wrestling ring - often headfirst - and the guy on the ground will catch him. That's pretty amazing, when you're talking about guys who are 150 kilos.
Going back to the tights, some guys just wear big oversized undies, that look like nappies... except they're three sizes too small so they have a muffin-top issue happening. Looks really uncomfortable.
The finale came when one guy in plaster came out on crutches and all the bad guys started beating Mr Mistical with them (although, miraculously there were about 5 crutches). Then they demasked him. I think this is what you'd call 'foreplay'... who knows what happened out back in the locker room with after all that teasing. A bit of sexual healing, I'd be guessing.
These pics are not my handy camerawork, because cameras are prohibited. Kids on the other hand, can be taken in no problems.
Also legimate to carry in under your arm: noise machines. I've never heard anything like them but they make sirens seem like lullabies. The Mexican penchant for making more noise than any human could reasonably be expected to withstand, is manifested in all its eardrum-disregarding glory, as 10 men sit five metres behind me grinning as they 'play' what look like bomb detonators. You know the box with the handle that you push down? What comes out sounds like a party streamer on steroids, about five times the volume of a car horn. And their arms did not get tired.
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