Saturday, March 24, 2007


Wow, first time I've been salsa dancing in Mexico. The bar is called MamaRhumba and I went with Julia and two of her american friends. Who knew 23 year olds could be so fun?

For the second time here, I had a night-time arse-grabbing incident. It is so weird.

The first time it happened was a ride-by assault a couple of months ago. He rode up, grabbed my arse and kept riding. Of course, I yelled 'F@#$ off', which was fairly ineffective because he kept stalking me for blocks until he could do it again. I yelled 'F@#$ off' again and that was that.

This time, I was walking along my street to Julia's when I heard rapid footsteps behind me. Your first thought at that point, is that you're about to get mugged. I was relieved to see that it was just a guy in a white business shirt passing me. He kept walking, then stopped ten metres in front of me, turned around and started running at me. On the way past he just swung out and slammed me in the derrier.

I stood there, stunned, my phone started ringing so I answered it. I was standing, talking, just watching him run away thinking, "You freak", when he turned around to look at me.

I hope he saw the disdain in my eyes, although from 50 metres it would have required him to be very long-sighted to do so.

I can't quite get my head around what a man gets out of grabbing a woman's bottom and then running away.

Honestly, if you were going to grab anything... wouldn't it be more lucrative to go for the handbag?

From there, I had a couple of medicinal tequilas and we headed to the salsa bar. I quickly discovered that both Julia's friends are terrible dancers, so I asked her how we were going to find people to dance with.

"You just stand near the dancefloor for about a minute,' she said, 'That's it.'

Julia's never had problems with confidence.

So, it's kind of like fishing. But, how do you know if you're going to catch a big fish, or a dud? Just luck?

"Generally only guys who dance well ask foreign girls to dance," she announces with authority.

We do the stand for a minute thing, and nothing happens. Uh oh. Is it me?

"This has never happened to me before," Julia says, "It must be you."

Julia's never had problems with confidence.

At that precise moment someone in black sails by and grabs my ... hand! So, we start dancing and as it happens, Miguel is like a latino John Travolta so I stick with him for the night. We do that group thing with his cousin + partner, where you weave around each other and it is fun-on-legs.

Must have got carried away in the moment, because I got a text on my phone today that said:
"Hey Australian girl, ready for the weekend?"

It seems that in my salsa-fuelled delight, I overlooked the fact that I:
a) had a date on Sat night
b) had two deadlines on Sunday and
c) don't like wakeboarding
when I agreed to go away with my new pals to a lake somewhere for the weekend.

Well, Gabriela is taking me to a party tonight. That's literally all I know about it: it's a party and she's taking me. Not sure how I'll go after last night's 4am effort, but let's give it a red-hot shot.

Back on the horse. Which, I have to admit, I really like riding.


Milly said...

Aarghh. I'm a Brisbanite who was turned onto your blog by Richard Fidler on 612 a couple of months ago. My Mum was Mexican, I have loads of family in Mexico City, and so have been to Mexico a couple of times. And MamaRhumbas brings back very fond memories for me... I thoroughly enjoy your posts, you bring my Mexico days flooding back. Cheers.

Michelle Crowther said...

oh my lord milly - i've just discovered i can write back to the commenter!
thanks so much, your words made me feel .... good.
I was Richard's producer, but didn't realise he knew of the blog!?