Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This is a city of 20 million very small people.

I am really looking forward to the next time a mega-band tours here and I'll finally know what it's like to be the tall bastard who's got a perfect view of everything.

So, on this basis alone you can imagine my ecstasy on discovering The Killers are touring HERE. Add to that, they're my favourite band and it's almost enough to make up for missing U2
(now known as U-2-faced-arseholes-who-postponed-your-concert-to-a-date-that-I-
Jumped straight on the internet to get a ticket, and what do you know - they'd sold out yesterday. I mean, I know they shot a video clip here.. but Mexico is KEEN.

Since then, I've been doing everything in my power to get an interview with Brandon Flowers.. .(and thus a ticket) hindered only slightly by the fact that he appears to only do interviews with The Guardian, The Times and ... well, that's about it.

In an effort to maintain morale, my 'background research' (for the interview) has turned up the following facts:

- he's not gay

- he's married

- his bride's maiden name was 'Munblowsky'.. (hence the rush to get hitched?)

- he's a Mormon (hence the rush to get hitched?)

- interviewers don't seem to like him (maybe it's not sooo bad to miss out on an interview...?)

- he thinks he can tell 'good girls' from 'bad girls' on sight, thanks to his hoards of older sisters and the fact he's lived in Vegas for years... and upbringing.

Sorry Brandon, trying to put girls in 'good' and 'bad' is like trying to put paint colours in black and white.

A man who doesn't realise that bad girls are just good girls wounded is a clueless man indeed. No wonder he married his highschool sweetheart, a retail manager who's studying to be a primary school teacher. If anything screams cliched 'good', it's that. Despite her maiden name.

Miss Munblowsky becomes Mrs Brightside.

And speaking of which, a man who still ascribes to a faith that disowns him for the odd cigarette and beer is a self-tortured man indeed.

Is Mr Brightside actually Mr Darkside?

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